Fay Victor, Jason Kao Hwang, Han-earl Park, Ken Filiano, and Tom Rainey (Gowanus Company) Live at Douglass Street Music Collective 2013-11-26
Band: Fay Victor, Jason Kao Hwang, Han-earl Park, Ken Filiano, Tom Rainey Videographer: Scott Friedlander
Band: Fay Victor, Jason Kao Hwang, Han-earl Park, Ken Filiano, Tom Rainey Videographer: Scott Friedlander
Band: Mary Halvorson and Jessica Pavone Videographer: Don Mount
Band: Chris Pitsiokos, Brian Chase Videographer: Don Mount
Band: Keefe Jackson, Christoph Erb, and Tomeka Reid, Plus Nate Wooley Videographer: Kevin Reilly
Band: Joe Morris, Stephen Haynes, Ingrid Laubrock Videographer: Kevin Reilly
Band: Ingrid Laubrock, Philip Greenlief Videographer: Kevin Reilly
Band: Chris Pitsiokos, Tim Dahl, Mike Pride Videographer: Don Mount 1st Set 2nd Set
Band: Dan Peck, Andrew Drury, Jack Wright Videographer: Kevin Reilly
Band: Joe Moffet, Jonathan Moritz, Han-earl Park, Vivienne Corringham Videographer: Kevin Reilly
Band: Sara Schoenbeck, Ben Wright, Sean Ali Videographer: Kevin Reilly