Cisco Bradley

May Artist Feature: Drummer Mike Pride

Mike Pride may have moved out of New York City proper, but he is no less involved in the creative music scene. In fact, in the first half of 2015, Pride has a flurry of exciting and diverse new releases including 2 by Period, a self-titled release by Pulverize the Sound, Raoul with the group

Playlist for the Week of May 18, 2015

Billy Bang & Denis Charles – Bangception (Hat Hut, 1983) [vinyl] Dietrich Eichmann & Jeff Arnal – The Temperature Dropped Again (Leo, 2004) William Parker’s In Order to Survive – Peach Orchard (Aum Fidelity, 1998) Pharoah Sanders – Live at the East (Impulse, 1972) [vinyl] Ben Stapp & the Zosimos – Myrrha’s Red Book: Act I