Cisco Bradley


The SB is an improvised music collective that was especially active in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Leader: collaborative Personnel: Eric Maurer Brent Peich Mark Bajuk Adam Burr Tony Fasce Silvia Feriozzi Russ Waterhouse In addition to the above central members, the band was also intermittently joined by Jessica Plotnik and Jamie Williams, and

Playlist for the Week of July 6, 2015

The Convergence Quartet – Slow and Steady (No Business, 2013) Transit – self-titled (Clean Feed, 2005) Transit – Quadrologues (Clean Feed, 2009) Ingrid Laubrock’s Anti-House – Roulette of the Cradle (2015) Mike Pride’s Scrambler – self-titled (Not Two, 2005)

July Artist Feature: Saxophonist Michael Attias

This month, New York is being treated to six exciting performances by master alto saxophonist Michael Attias. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see all that this artist has to offer. The centerpiece of the month is a four-night residency at Ibeam, book-ended by two performances at other venues. These are all must-see performances. See

Playlist for the Week of June 29, 2015

Joe Hertenstein’s HNH – self-titled (Clean Feed, 2015) Devin Gray – Dirigo Rataplan (Skirl, 2012) Leah Paul – Trenza (Skirl, 2013) Trot a Mouse – Pictorial Atlas of Mammals (Skirl, 2014) Leah Paul – Bike Lane (Skirl, 2015) Rempis Percussion Quartet – Cash and Carry (Aerophonic, 2015) Daniel Smith – Jazz Suite for Bassoon (Summit,

Monthly Report from New York – June 2015

Drummer Devin Gray, who has been actively working in the underground Brooklyn scene now for nearly a decade, is finally getting some deserved attention with two records released in the past year. The latest, his sophomore record as a leader, Relative Resonance (Skirl), features some astute compositions that make great use of the abilities of